How To Grind Long Pepper Like A Pro?

It is difficult to use long pepper in meals due to its long shape and sturdiness. It is sometimes used as an alternative to black pepper and is used to add complexity to some spices.

The best way to use it is to grind it. You won’t want to see the long shape of the pepper in the dish.

Most people have issues grinding the long pepper in the way they want. So, I’d be guiding you here.

Different methods can be used to grind your pepper. Those methods are the same as the others.

  • Using mortar and pestle.
  • Using a spice grinder.
  • Using a coffee grinder.
  • Use a Microplane zester.

Expert Ways

Method 1:

The traditional way of grinding pepper is by using a mortar and pestle. It has been updated though it is still traditional.

You can see how the peppercorn breaks apart when you use this mortar and pestle.

It requires the use of your strength for it to take a few moments. There are some steps and materials for this method.


  • Heavy-duty mortar and pestle.
  • Whole long pepper grains.


  1. The mortar and pestle need to be prepared for use. If it is wet you should dry it because it can make the pepper messy.
  2. Pick a few long peppers and put them in the mortar to grind.
  3. The pepper needs to be bashed until it splits into two and the berries come out.
  4. If you want to stir a meal, you need to put the pestle and move your wrist in a circular motion.
  5. You should have a fine powder in the mortar by the time you do this for 10 seconds.
  6. Some of the pepper grains would still be in the powder. You can either sieve it or use it like that.
Long Pepper

Method 2:

There is a kitchen appliance that can be used to grind long peppers.

You can use a spice grinder to get a fine powder from the pepper grain if you don’t like using mortar and pestle. There are some steps you need to take.


  • A spice grinder.
  • Long pepper grains.


  1. You can use a dry cloth to clean the inside of the spice grinder.
  2. The long peppercorns should be put in the grinder.
  3. Put the lid on the grinder and let it run for a short time.
  4. You should get a fine powder if you repeat the process twice.

Method 3: 

A coffee grinder and a spice grinder are the same things. Spices are ground into fine powder for meals.

It’s possible to have your long pepper ready for use with this grinder. The instructions and materials for this method can be found below.



  1. If the coffee grinder is wet, it is a good idea to dry it with a towel.
  2. Don’t add water to the grinder, but put the long pepper in it.
  3. Once you get a fine powder, let the coffee grinder run for a short time.
  4. The pepper powder should be removed from the spice grinder.

Method 4:

A Microplane zester is a device that is used to grate spices into powder for meals.

The grate looks like a long knife, but it has blades on the surface that you can use to grate dried ingredients.

The Microplane zester would be used to grind your pepper.


  • Microplane zester.
  • A tray.
  • Long pepper grains.


  1. Attach the tray to the table and hold the Microplane zester on it.
  2. Use your other hand to hold the pepper grains as you hold the zester handle.
  3. The normal grating process involves putting the pepper on the zester’s surface and moving the pepper in an upward and downward motion on the blade surface.
  4. The pepper powder is going to be on the tray by now.

Benefits of Long Pepper

There is a plant called long pepper and it is an extraordinary pepper to have.

Not only is it used for cooking, but it has other benefits as well. The benefits of this pepper are the same as before.

Promotes the Loss of Weight 

The more junk and processed foods are eaten, the more weight and body fat can be gained. Most people become extremely fat because of this and have big stomachs.

If you have tried different drugs for weight loss and none seems to work, you can use long pepper.

When you use long pepper for weight loss, you don’t get the harmful effects of weight loss drugs.

Prevents Liver Diseases

The long pepper has some useful elements that help preserve the liver. It plays a large role in the way your bicycle functions.

A healthy irritative system is known as a healthy liver. Long pepper can be used to secure and maintain the health of the liver.

Fights Bacteria Infection

Some parasites live around the environment. There is a little thing you can do to prevent your body from getting sick.

The use of long pepper can be used to fight infections in the body. It is possible to prevent it from occurring by eating the pepper root.

For Menstrual Cramps

Heavy menstrual flow and painful menstrual cramps can be prevented by using long pepper.

It helps pregnant women in labor to facilitate the contraction of the uterus and increase the rate of delivery, as well as fight against a few symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and exhaustion.

It can be eaten after the baby has been delivered to speed up the healing of the uterus.

Highly Recommended for Diabetes 

Diabetes is a disease in which people have low or high levels of sugar in their blood. The patient is told to cut down on any food that can increase their diseases.

Long pepper should be used to regulate the sugar level to make the disease harmless. With the use of this pepper, you can be assured of a healthy life.

Improves the Skin

You can make use of long pepper if you have rough skin and have been trying different creams to smooth it but they don’t work.

Long pepper helps to smooth the skin, lighten the skin color, prevent wrinkling on the face, and prevent any signs of aging.

Long Pepper

Is It Possible to Use Whole Long Peppers Without Grinding?

It’s possible to use a whole long pepper without it being ground. They are used in stew or sauces in whole, just like bay leaves, with the flavor still being infused in it.

It is a better idea to be ground before using it. The main benefits of using it will be lost when it is ground, but the vital oils, flavors, and aroma will be present in the meal.

The long pepper is similar to black pepper but it is more beneficial. The same way you use black pepper, you can use it the same way.


It can be difficult to grind long pepper, but it is worth it. This is because when it is ground, you would get a lot of benefits.

The benefits of using long pepper and the various ways to grind it have been discussed in this post.

If you have the benefits, you would want to use long pepper more than black pepper. I hope the article provides you with some tips.

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