Why Does Almond Milk Sometimes Freeze in the Fridge?

Whole-fat cow’s milk is not a good substitute for almond milk.

Almond milk has a signature nutty taste and creamy texture that makes it a popular choice among fans of non-lactose dairy products.

Almond milk can sometimes be frozen in the fridge.

Is freezing a sign that it is spoiled or no longer useful? Don’t worry, we’ve done our research to find out why almond milk starts freezing in the refrigerator.

Almond milk can freeze in the fridge because of two reasons, the first of which is that the refrigerator you use has different spots for cooling. 

Almond milk is a lot more similar to water than it is to milk.

If you put your almond milk in the fridge that is closer to the freezer, it will freeze when it reaches a temperature of 32 degrees.

Almond milk can still be used as if it was fresh even though it has been frozen. Will these changes affect the nutritional value of the milk?

Will it be the same as before? Continue reading to find out how and when it’s best to use frozen almond milk because we’ve asked the experts.

What Is The Main Cause Of Almond Milk Freeze In The Fridge?

It is not common knowledge that your fridge’s insides may have inconsistent cooling. The cooler the fridge shelves are, the closer to the freezer you are.

The top shelf of the freezer can reach a temperature of fewer than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Almond milk will freeze if the temperature is cold enough.

If you want to keep your almond milk from freezing, you would want to put it on the fridge door or a few shelves away from the freezer.

Almond Milk

What Is The Reason Behind The Almond Milk Freezing Quicker Than Cow’s Milk?

Almond milk is not the same as regular, full cream cow’s milk. Almond milk is created by crushing almonds, mixing the almonds with water, and then straining the mixture.

People sometimes use almond butter instead of fresh almonds. Almond milk has its signature nutty taste due to this.

Full cream cow’s milk and other dairy products are mostly made of fat, not water.

Milk has a freezing point of -0.516 to -0.540 degrees Celsius, compared to water which has a freezing point of 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Almond milk is usually 90 to 98% water, so it’s not surprising that it takes less time to freeze almond milk than regular milk.

Almond milk can be frozen, but it won’t make it completely useless.

What Happens When You Freeze Almond Milk?

Almond milk is an oil-in-water emulsion, meaning that it is a combination of two liquids that don’t usually mix.

In this case, it’s water and almond oil or almond butter. The two liquids will often separate due to the freezing of the emulsions.

The water in almond milk will freeze on the top and the oils will solidify at the bottom when it’s frozen.

The taste and texture of the milk will be very different, even though the nutrition value is the same.

Silk and Almond Breeze are brands that do not recommend freezing.

According to the Almond Breeze website, freezing would cause the product to separate irregularly and greatly reduce the consistency of the product upon thaw.

These milk alternatives will have their water and ingredients separate once frozen, with the denser oils at the bottom.

See also: Can You Make Ice Cream If You Freeze Almond Milk?

Is It Possible To Use Almond Milk Even If It Is Frozen?

You can still use frozen almond milk in the same way you would use fresh almond milk. You can either use the frozen milk or thaw it out.

There are several ways to use frozen almond milk. Drinking defrosted almond milk is not a good idea because of the change in taste and texture.

If you want to thaw almond milk, put it in the fridge overnight.

If you want to speed up the spoiling process, don’t thaw it in water or at room temperature because it will make the separation of the ingredients worse.

Shake the carton vigorously to reincorporate the almond milk once it turns back to liquid.

If you are going to use the milk for cooking, shaking the carton is the best way to do that.

If you want to use almond milk again, make sure to put it in the blender, even if it’s frozen.

Almond milk would be almost the same as its fresh counterpart if the ingredients were properly mixed back together.

Almond milk that has been defrosted is great for cooking and baking and is an alternative for people who are sensitive to Lactose.

Almond milk can be used to make delicious cakes and curries. It can be boiled to make almond milk and then used as a coffee creamer.

Almond milk can be used for frozen treats because it is already cold.

You can make a delicious smoothie with frozen almond milk and frozen fruits by putting them into the blender. It’s possible to make vegan almond ice cream with frozen almond milk.

Almond Milk

How Long Does Frozen Almond Milk Last?

Almond milk can be kept in the freezer for months, as long as you keep it frozen and in its original container.

It will last for around 2 months before it spoils if you transfer it to smaller containers before freezing.

Almond milk needs to be used immediately after the thaw. Almond milk that is defrosted has a lifespan of 3 days, which is shorter than a regular carton of almond milk.

There is a shelf life of at least 7 days for an opened carton of almond milk.

Is It Possible To Freeze Almond Milk In Ice Cube Trays?

It’s a great idea to freeze almond milk in ice cube trays because you can get the exact amount you need for your recipe without having to store a whole carton.

After freezing the almond milk in the ice cube tray, you can transfer them to a freezer bag and seal it.

You can use the frozen milk cubes for anything you want, from making drinks to cooking.

If you don’t return the other milk ice cubes to the freezer, all of them will ruin, so just remember to take only what you need.


There are cold spots in the fridge that prevent almond milk from freezing. Almond milk should be kept far away from the freezer and the shelves where these cold spots can occur.

Almond milk that is frozen has a different texture and taste than its fresh counterpart.

If you shake the can vigorously or blend the almond milk, the change will be fixed.

After reincorporation of its ingredients, the almond milk you have will be almost the same as it was before.

Almond milk can still be used to make healthy, delicious, vegan dishes, drinks, and desserts, if you follow proper procedures.

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