How Much Sausage Do You Need for One Person?

You have to plan several steps when you organize an event. When you’re not sure how much food you’ll need to make, ordering and preparing food can be a challenge.

If you are going to host a barbeque, you need to know how many sausages you need to feed everyone.

It all depends on how you are going to prepare the sausage. The basic ratio is 1oz of sausage per person. 

If you are making hot dogs or bratwurst, 1lb of sausage per person should be fine. However, If you are making Kielbasa or Polish Sausages, 3lbs should suffice.

If you were to say that one person would eat three sausages, you would need 7.2 ounces of sausage per person. 

In this article, I will show you how much sausage per person you need for different-sized gatherings. I will discuss how many sausages are too many for a particular group of people.

How Many Sausages Do You Need per Person?

It is difficult to figure out how many sausages you would need per person.

If you don’t know the exact number of guests, you won’t know whether they’ll be hungry or not. It is better to be safe than sorry in this case.

The number of sausages you need is dependent on the overall menu.

  • Will you only serve sausages or serve any other types of meat?
  • What size sausages will you serve?
  • Will sausages be served as appetizers or served as a main course?
how many sausages needed per person

These are some of the things that need to be taken into account in situations like this. The first step toward organizing a barbeque is planning your menu.

It is time to see how many sausages you will need after you have established how many guests will come to your event.

1/3 pounds of meat is enough for one person on average. One sausage weighs approximately 2.4 ounces.

7.2 ounces of sausages would be enough for one person if we were to say that one person would consume three sausages.

According to an estimation you would need 0.9 pounds of sausages per two people and 2.25 pounds of sausages per five people.

If you are going to host an event with 50 guests, you would need 150 sausages, which is 22.5 pounds.

If you wanted to make 300 sausages for 100 people, you would have to order 45 pounds of sausage.

You can see how many pounds of sausage and how many sausages you would need for different numbers of people by taking a look at this table below.

Number of PeoplePounds of SausageNumber of sausages
214.4 oz (0.9 lbs.)6
536 oz (2.25 lbs.)15
1072 oz (4.5 lbs.)30
15108 oz (6.75 lbs.)45
20144 oz (9 lbs.)60
25180 oz (11.25 lbs.)75
30216 oz (13.5 lbs.)90
35252 oz (15.75 lbs.)105
40288 oz (18 lbs.)120
45324 oz (20.25 lbs.)135
50360 oz (22.5 lbs.)150
60432 oz (27 lbs.)180
70504 oz (31.6 lbs.)210
80576 oz (36 lbs.)240
90648 oz (40.5 lbs.)270
100720 oz (45 lbs.)300

This table is just a rough estimate of how much sausage you would need. Several different factors make it not 100% accurate.

How Many Servings Is One Pound of Sausage?

Depending on the type of sausage, a pound of sausage can be used for two servings.

One pound would be enough for two servings since one uncooked sausage weighs 2.4 ounces and one serving would consist of at least three sausages.

1 pound of cooked sausages can be used for two to three serves because one cooked sausage usually weighs 2 ounces.

Standard supermarket sausages weigh less than thicker sausages you would find at the butcher, so these numbers are dependent on the sausage brand.

how many servings per pound

How Many Sausages Is Too Many?

You don’t want your food to end up in the garbage. This is usually the case when there is a large event. No one goes hungry, because hosts always order or make too much food.

A large amount of food ends up in the trash because of this. If you follow the table from the previous section, you shouldn’t have any issues making too many sausages.

Even if you make the ideal amount of food, you never know when someone will stop eating or if they have little appetite.

For at least a few more days, there is a way to save your sausages. Sausages can be stored regardless of whether they are cooked or not.

The sausages can be kept in the fridge for up to four days. You need to place them in the refrigerator at least two hours after cooking them.

To make sure they last for a long time, either put them in a sealed container or use plastic or aluminum foil to wrap them.

You can also cook sausages in the freezer. They can last up to a couple of months in the freezer.

You can place the leftover sausages in the fridge if you didn’t cook them. Sausages can be kept out of the refrigerator for up to two days.

Be careful not to leave them at room temperature for a long time. They can go bad quickly if they are out of the fridge for more than a couple of hours.

Sausages can be placed in the freezer where they can last up to two months. The best way to cook them is to put them in the fridge overnight and then cook them.


There is a lot of thought that goes into the planning of an event.

If you are planning to host a small family gathering or a big event with 100 guests, you should be prepared and know how much sausage you need.

It is always better to be safe than sorry because you can never predict the exact number of sausages that will be eaten.

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