How To Fix A Cracked Freezer Drawer?

Do you ever wonder if it is possible to fix a freezer drawer that has cracked in the process?

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to replace a drawer that has cracked in the process?

We have researched for you and come up with answers on how to repair your cracked freezer drawer.

It can be repaired as a professional would. 

The solution is to use the correct glue, which depends on which part of the drawer has a crack, the strength of the glue, and the safety of the food against potentially harmful glues.

Repairing your freezer drawer can save you money. Continue reading to learn how to do it.

Can You Glue a Freezer Drawer?

Glue is the ultimate solution and it’s safe to use in your freezer drawer. You can not use just any glue.

You have to make sure that the glue you use is strong enough to survive the freezing conditions in your freezer.

Depending on which part of the drawer you’re looking at, use the most appropriate glue.

Which Adhesives Works Best in a Freezer?

Some glues are more suited for a freezer than others, with duct tape, acrylic, and super glue being the most popular.

Duct tape isn’t a long-term solution because it won’t survive in very cold temperatures and won’t have the power to stick.

Super glue works well, but the best glue to use is a two-part epoxy that is good for cold weather. The repairs will last for a long time as it cures very fast.

The glue that turns clear after it dries is the most suitable because it blends in well with the rest of the fridge.

Cracked Freezer Drawer

What Do You Need To Know When Fixing Your Cracked Freezer drawer?

If your freezer drawer cracks, it would be a good idea to fix it immediately to prevent it from getting worse and becoming harder to repair.

It is possible to fix most cracks with a special glue that is strong enough to survive cold temperatures.

The glues are usually thicker than the usual type, do not run easily, and turn clear or almost clear so that the fixed crack will not appear different from the rest of the drawer.

If you want to use the correct glue for your repairs, you have to take into account the safety of your food, as well as the cracked portion of the drawer.

Crack inside the Drawer

The best glue to use will be resistant to cold if the crack is inside the drawer. It will stay the same after you fix it.

Food Safety

If the crack is located in a place where you might be concerned that your food will come into contact with the glue, you will want to purchase from FDA compliant.

Crack outside the Drawer

If the crack is visible on the outside of the drawer, you will need glue that is resistant to impact.

The outside part is more susceptible to breaking due to being closed and opened frequently.

How Is It Possible to Fix the Front of a Freezer Drawer?

It will take 40 minutes to repair the front of your freezer drawer if it has cracked or is broken. The instructions are clearly stated.

Prepare the needed Materials

You will need the following:

Remove the Drawer

You have to open the fridge door to remove the drawer. You’ll need to release it if it has a ridge on its sides.

Lift it and pull it out if the latch is not mechanical. You can see the crack if you put the drawer on a free surface after removing it.

Cracked Freezer Drawer

Thoroughly Clean and Dry your Drawer

You should clean your drawer with soap and water. Don’t use soap to wash stubborn dirt because it won’t wash off easily.

When you apply glue to a dirty drawer, it won’t fix the crack properly because the glue won’t stick to the drawer.

If the drawer is dirty, you might have to use soapy water on it. Allow them to dry completely after you have cleaned them well.

Apply Epoxy Glue

The best glue to use for your repair is a two-part epoxy because it is strong and provides a long-term bond.

If you want to apply glue, gently open the crack and apply the glue with a sharp tool.

Continue until you reach the widest part of the crack, and then onto the broader section. The glue should be wiped off with a damp towel.

Press Together for 30 Seconds

After you apply the glue, the next step is to stick and hold the pieces together, which takes 30 seconds.

If there are pieces that are separate from the main drawer, re-attach and align them, and then hold them until the glue cures.

Let It Cure for 30 Minutes

The drawer needs to be placed on a towel for 30 minutes. It is safe to put your drawer back into the refrigerator when it has dried.

Why Do Freezer Drawers Crack?

There are several reasons that the freezer drawers can crack.

If you put in more than the drawer can handle, the weight of the foodstuff packed inside places too much pressure on it, which causes it to crack.

Other reasons include that it was handled roughly and the fridge door slammed onto it, that it was removed and dragged around, that it was closed in a hurry, and that it cracked under too much force applied to it.

If it has been used for a long time, the simple act of opening and closing the drawer will eventually lead to wear and tear, which will eventually cause the freezer drawer to crack.


It is not as difficult to repair a freezer drawer as you would think. You only need to know which part of the drawer you want to fix and the type of glue you want to use.

There are different types of glues for the inside and the outside of the drawer.

If your food comes into contact with the glue, you need to be very careful about the type of glue that you use.

It’s important to follow the correct procedure for fixing the crack.

It’s a good idea to wash the freezer drawer and dry it thoroughly before applying glue, as glue doesn’t adhere well if you don’t wash it.

You might have to use a tool with a sharp tip to apply the glue so that it covers the whole crack or broken part to create a perfect alignment.

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